It’s day 22 of Stitchtember and time for the basket weave stitch. I love the effect this stitch creates! As the name suggests, it creates a woven basket effect which can be used to fill an area of your embroidery design or simply to create a basket shape. I love real woven baskets, so much so that I have even made by own willow basket! So I love being able to transfer the woven basket look onto fabric.

Basket weave tutorial
· Fabric – cotton or linen fabric works well. I used osnaburg fabric which is 100% seeded cotton, but you can use any spare fabric you already have.
· Stranded embroidery thread
· Needle
· Scissors
· Embroidery hoop
During this tutorial I am using osnaburg 100% cotton seeded fabric, stranded cotton embroidery thread, a hand embroidery needle and a 5” DMC beechwood embroidery hoop.
1. For this tutorial I am using a square shape to demonstrate the basket weave stitch. However, you can apply the basket weave stitch to any shape you like. Draw the shape onto your fabric and include vertical lines inside your shape.

2. Thread your needle and tie a knot at one end. I am using six strands of embroidery thread for this tutorial. You can choose how many strand you would like to use.
3. Start by working a vertical straight stitch over the vertical lines, by bringing your needle up at point 1.

4. Insert your needle into point 2.

5. Repeat this for the remaining vertical lines.

6. Bring your needle up at the top right corner of your shape, point 3.

7. Weave your needle and thread over and under each vertical straight stitch.

8. Insert your needle into the left top corner of your shape, point 4, to secure the thread.

9. Bring your needle back up through the fabric, just below point 4.

10. Weave your needle in the opposite direction to the previous woven line. So, if you ended the previous line by going under, start the next line by going over.

11. Secure the thread by inserting your needle below the previous woven line.

12. Repeat this process until your shape is complete.

13. If you would like to neaten the edges of your basket weave stitching, work the stem stitch around the edge of your shape.

14. Your basket weave stitch is complete.
Basket weave stitch top tips
· Use variegated brown thread to add depth to the basket weave.
· Fill different shapes with basket weave stitch to create different looks – why not stitch some flowers coming out of the top of your shape, to look like a basket of flowers.
· Vary the number of threads used to create a different look to the basket weave.
· Use different types of thread, such as cotton, linen and fine wool yarns to create different effects to the basket weave.
Basket Weave Stitch Video Tutorial
Happy Stitching!
Hannah x